Include Blank Value In Validation List



hi, i have two sheets in workbook named as shtbiz,shtbiz1.
so column A of my shtbiz1 sheet i have 100 datas.the by using following code
i can fill the datas of shtbiz1 in column A of shtbiz.

Dim strValItems
strValItems = ""
Dim rngValList As Range, rngValCell As Range
Set rngValList = ShtBiz1.Range("A6", Range("A10000").End(xlUp))
With ShtBiz.Range("A6:A10000")
For Each rngValCell In rngValList
If Len(strValItems) > 0 Then strValItems = strValItems & ","
strValItems = strValItems & rngValCell.Value

.Validation.Add xlValidateList, , , strValItems
End With

so my problem is i need to add blank value in the top of the list .ie first
value should be blank then other values which read from shtbiz1 has to be please help me to include one blank value at the to pof my
validation list please

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