Include page with hover buttons


Daryl Kennedy

I have created a nav bar for inclusion on all pages of a website. I imported
two GIF images for each of seven buttons, reflecting the "off" and "over"
states. I entered valid targets in the "Link to" pane of the Hover Button
Properties popup.

Everything tests OK in the browsers. However, when the navbar is embedded on
another page with the Include Page command, the URLs in the "Link to" pane
are missing, and there are no values in the HTML parameters. The
fphover.class and fphoverx.class files are in the site's root folder.

Is there a way to carry the URLs from the master navbar page to all other
pages without having to enter the info manually on each page? Obviously,
that would be a lot of work and also negate the point of embedding the
included page.

Any help would be most appreciated.

--Daryl Kennedy--


Daryl said:
I have created a nav bar for inclusion on all pages of a website. I imported
two GIF images for each of seven buttons, reflecting the "off" and "over"
states. I entered valid targets in the "Link to" pane of the Hover Button
Properties popup.

Everything tests OK in the browsers. However, when the navbar is embedded on
another page with the Include Page command, the URLs in the "Link to" pane
are missing, and there are no values in the HTML parameters. The
fphover.class and fphoverx.class files are in the site's root folder.

Is there a way to carry the URLs from the master navbar page to all other
pages without having to enter the info manually on each page? Obviously,
that would be a lot of work and also negate the point of embedding the
included page.

Any help would be most appreciated.

--Daryl Kennedy--

You might want to check to see if your Navigation Page is in the main
area and not in a folder. Sometime that causes problems. I had that
happen to me until I put it in the main folder. I don't know why it did
that, but it did.


Daryl Kennedy

Thanks for the response. When I said the nav page is in the root "folder," I
meant the site's root, not a sub-folder.

This is frustrating because I've searched the MS Knowledge Base and Googled
the topic for a solution. Nothing. And yours is the only response I've
received to my question. I suspect the problem has something to do with
either file location or the way FP points to the code, but I don't know for
sure. I may have to cough up the 35 bucks for MS tech support. Trouble with
that is, I may STILL wind up with no answer.

--Daryl Kennedy--


Not sure if it answer what you're asking (I'm fairly new to wepage creation
and html etc myself)
Anyway, I use FP and when I'd created a working nav bar (using 'insert> web
componant>dynamic effects>hover button), all I did was highlight (left
click/drag) the working navbar and then copy and paste it into the next
page. The links pasted as well....seemed to work for me.

Christmas shopping links -
My ebay items -
The first page on the net

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