Lisa A said:
Would you suggest this being such a huge site, to convert it over to EW so
I can update it easily?
I've been working on a new site EW and the styles that are automatically
inserted are causing me headaches.
If I could just upload the site as it is and work on it as before in FP,
then that would be ok. Do you know the easiest way to upload a site to EW
without causing alot of problems. This is a huge site and I can't have
things not working properly and too many pages to update each.
Lisa apart from some bots everything will work the same in EW, however when
publishing with ftp and fpse you need to be aware that there are some
If you make a change to your include page then publish with fpse then all
that needs publishing is the include file. If however your publishing with
ftp you need to not only publish that page but ALL THE PAGES CONNECTED TO
THE INCLUDE PAGE .... basically you need to publish all the changes... you
can do this with ew or with a third party ftp client. btw you can open your
site live still with ftp in ew (see )
personally i prefer to publish with fpse (and have done for years without
using any bots apart from includes but they dont need fpse as you know they
work with or without but the work in a different way on publish time) which
is why its a lot less hassle to use fpse and I find I have a lot less
problems with it... my host has dropped them though
You keep getting new styles inserted because your using the formatting
toolbar for the most part ... try turning off the formatting and/or common
toolbars till you actually need to use them for something (you mostly won't
and with it being off it reminds you, you don't actually need to use it) you
will be amazed at how many times you find yourself up at the top looking for
it when you do this at first ... did you set up expression web to begin
with? if not follow this f ree ebook
not all styles have been insrted by ew ...if the site in your addy is the
your talking about, some of the coding is incorrect in the embedded
If the site is large then you need better ways for maintenance... make sure
your using all your graphics, make sure all your pages are needed ... try to
reduce what you have to do. The best time to sort out a big site is always
right now as it can only get bigger (as I know quite well
If you want an easier life I suggest DWTs, includes for menus, an external
style sheet and all your formatting removed from the template, you could
keep the same design but use divs where needed and use classes and ids
instead of inserting your formatting within the html... I would also move to
xhtml ... with ew (and with fp03) xhtml is a total doddle to use all you do
is use one selection on the the right click in code view and it sorts it all
for you ... you have to know a few rules and setting up should be done first
for best effects... ew when set up correctly holds your hand with the code
and once your au fau with it it just serves as a quick reminder .. working
in split view helps big time to let it all soak in a lot quicker.
some more resources
Design Time Includes
Expression Web Dynamic Web Templates Ebook
hth Tina
Migrating from FrontPage to Expression Web Class
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