Jose Valdes
In Word 2003, I use text insets (IncludeText fields) to single source
content across three different manuals. It works great except sometimes the
table of contents (TOC) contains broken links. If a text inset contains a
heading, the heading shows up correctly in the TOC, but sometimes its page
number says, "Error! Bookmark not defined."
I think the problem is that when you generate a TOC based on styles or
outline level, Word inserts a hidden bookmark at each heading. If a heading
exists in a text inset, the hidden bookmark (that belongs to this heading)
disappears when the IncludeText field is updated. It disappears because
updating an IncludeText field brings in content from the source file and
these hidden bookmarks do not exist in the source file. That's my
understanding of this problem, but set me straight if I've misdiagnosed it.
I have experimented with using TC fields to generate a TOC, and so far the
TOC is free of broken links. I have not implemented this solution across all
three manuals yet because I worry about the amount of time needed to enter
TC fields into all three manuals. In the past, I've launched high
maintenance solutions only to find simpler solutions posted on this
newsgroup. Does anyone know of a simpler solution? If no one replies, I'll
just assume that TC fields are the way to go. Thanks! Jose
content across three different manuals. It works great except sometimes the
table of contents (TOC) contains broken links. If a text inset contains a
heading, the heading shows up correctly in the TOC, but sometimes its page
number says, "Error! Bookmark not defined."
I think the problem is that when you generate a TOC based on styles or
outline level, Word inserts a hidden bookmark at each heading. If a heading
exists in a text inset, the hidden bookmark (that belongs to this heading)
disappears when the IncludeText field is updated. It disappears because
updating an IncludeText field brings in content from the source file and
these hidden bookmarks do not exist in the source file. That's my
understanding of this problem, but set me straight if I've misdiagnosed it.
I have experimented with using TC fields to generate a TOC, and so far the
TOC is free of broken links. I have not implemented this solution across all
three manuals yet because I worry about the amount of time needed to enter
TC fields into all three manuals. In the past, I've launched high
maintenance solutions only to find simpler solutions posted on this
newsgroup. Does anyone know of a simpler solution? If no one replies, I'll
just assume that TC fields are the way to go. Thanks! Jose