INCLUDETEXT file will not pop automatically


P Worker

A signature is required for letters we create. We are using Word 2003. We
get the signatures from individual Word files containg a signature within a
bookmark called 'signature'. We use this code: {INCLUDETEXT
"I:\\Private\\EDGE7Support\\Signatures\\SMITHG1.DOC" signature}. When the
Word document is opened, instead of displaying a signature, this message is
displayed: Error! Not a valid filename. I right click on the Error, click
'Update Field' and the signature pops nicely. I'd like to have this
signature pop automatically when the Word file is opened. Any ideas? Thanks

Charles Kenyon

Use AutoText (and an AutoText field) for this instead unless you have some
reason for having bunches of different files. You can have an AutoText
container that is user-specific by putting it in the users Word startup

See for step-by-step
instructions on moving / sharing / copying / backing-up customizations
including AutoText, AutoCorrect, keyboard assignments, toolbars, macros,

P Worker

A little history...we have a fluid environment. We generate hundreds of
letters daily from a number of Word templates. Letters are created by
account managers(AM) and are reviewed, printed and mailed by letter
administrators(LA). When an LA reviews a letter, the signature popped
automatically with no user interaction using the INCLUDETEXT feature. The
signature doesn’t pop any more and I don’t know why. Perhaps an XP SP
upgrade? Any thoughts? LA’s complain now about the need to click on Error
of the error msg and right click on Update Field. I would be crucified if I
suggested that they need to physically enter unique text for the signature to
pop for a specific AM.

Charles Kenyon

The same thing can be done using AutoText in a global template (or in
user-specific global templates).
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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