Including all records from employees in a date range



I have two tables, one is for employees and the other I use to track crime
report numbers. I need a query to total the number of arrests, warrants,
adults, juveniles, etc. for a specific month in order to do the monthly
stats. However, I need to include all the employees regardless of whether
they had any reports or not, as I have to also find the average reports per
squad. I need the query to include all deputies. As long as I run the query
without any date conditions, I get all the deputies; however, when I input a
specific month/year for the totals, only those deputies who have information
for that month return.

Fields included from the tblEmployees are:
chrLast Name

Fields included from the tblMain are:
dteDate (Date By Month: Format$([DB 2006].[Date],'mmmm yyyy'))
Sum of intArrest
Sum of intWarrant
Sum of intCapias
Sum of intFelony
Sum of intMisdemeanor
Sum of intJuvenile
Sum of Adult

What I want to do is place the following condition on the dtedate field of
the query: ['Enter Month and Year'] and have all the deputies show up even if
they have a null value for that month. Am I confusing anyone yet??

John W. Vinson

What I want to do is place the following condition on the dtedate field of
the query: ['Enter Month and Year'] and have all the deputies show up even if
they have a null value for that month. Am I confusing anyone yet??

Use a "Left Join" on the query - select the join line and choose the option
"Show all records in <table of deputies> and matching records in <the other
table>" - and use a criterion

[Enter Month and Year] OR IS NULL

on the dtedate field.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Duh! I knew it was something easy I was overlooking. Sometimes we tend to
get so caught up in the advanced aspects, that we forget the most simple
solution. Thanks for turning on the light bulb...grin.

John W. Vinson said:
What I want to do is place the following condition on the dtedate field of
the query: ['Enter Month and Year'] and have all the deputies show up even if
they have a null value for that month. Am I confusing anyone yet??

Use a "Left Join" on the query - select the join line and choose the option
"Show all records in <table of deputies> and matching records in <the other
table>" - and use a criterion

[Enter Month and Year] OR IS NULL

on the dtedate field.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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