Including Material resource cost in BCWS




I manage a small project in which I am planning to try to start using EVM. I
have done all the planning with resources and costs and so forth. I have set
the status date after project completion date and exported timescaled data on
BCWS into Excel. But the material resources used on some tasks does not
appear in Excel. The s-shaped curve only shows costs associated with tasks
using work-resources, no material-resources. Should material resources not be
a part of BCWS?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Peter,

I've just done a quick test using both work and material resources
assigned to tasks. The BCWS for the material resource is showing in the
BCWS for the tasks. You mention that this is occuring on some tasks --
I assume on others the material cost is showing in the BCWS. A couple
of questions:

Is it possible on the tasks that the material resource is not showing on
BCWS, that the material resource was assigned after the task was

Do you have a different cost accrual for the material resource? If the
material resource's cost accrual is end and the task's finish has not
been reached, the BCWS will not include the material cost as it is
accruing at the end of the task.

I suggest taking a look at the Task Usage view and adding the BCWS field
to the timescale (right side) of the view. That should show you the
BCWS costs for both the work and material resources and may help you
track down why things are a bit off.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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Dear Julie,

your first remark is spot on correct. Strange when someone you have not met
knows about the mistakes you have done before you find them yourself! :)

Saving baseline again made material cost show up in BCWS. I will remember
that saving the baseline is required to get the right BCWS (also work!).

Many thanks,
Peter Sebelius

JulieS said:
Hi Peter,

I've just done a quick test using both work and material resources
assigned to tasks. The BCWS for the material resource is showing in the
BCWS for the tasks. You mention that this is occuring on some tasks --
I assume on others the material cost is showing in the BCWS. A couple
of questions:

Is it possible on the tasks that the material resource is not showing on
BCWS, that the material resource was assigned after the task was

Do you have a different cost accrual for the material resource? If the
material resource's cost accrual is end and the task's finish has not
been reached, the BCWS will not include the material cost as it is
accruing at the end of the task.

I suggest taking a look at the Task Usage view and adding the BCWS field
to the timescale (right side) of the view. That should show you the
BCWS costs for both the work and material resources and may help you
track down why things are a bit off.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project


Hi Peter,

Glad to have helped out and thanks for the feedback..

And believe me, the reason why I know about many mistakes that others
make is because I have already made them first :-d

Project MVP

Peters said:
Dear Julie,

your first remark is spot on correct. Strange when someone you have
not met
knows about the mistakes you have done before you find them yourself!

Saving baseline again made material cost show up in BCWS. I will
that saving the baseline is required to get the right BCWS (also

Many thanks,

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