incompatibility PivotTables between Mac and Windows?




I have installed Office 2007 Win and Office 2008 Mac

I created a Pivot Table in Win

I opened the file (xlsx) on Excel/Mac: a message popped up, saying
thet there will be losses in the functionality of the pivot tabel, and
I could open the document in write protected mode only

Is that normal? or are there any hidden settings I must check?


Andre Peternell
Frakdurt am Main,

Pat McMillan

Unfortunately, the Mac Excel implementation of pivot tables is not 100% on
par with the Windows implementation. One example is that Mac Excel does not
support pivot charts. So the alert may simply be reflecting the fact that
the pivot table you created in Windows Excel does contain some formatting
that's not supported in Mac Excel. If you would be able to send me a file
that produces this alert when opened in Mac Excel I should be able to verify
that the alert is valid.


Pat McMillan
(e-mail address removed)

Fergal Condron

Hi Andrei,

Unfortunately Excel 2008 does not support ŒPivot table styles, I think this
is the alert you are seeing?

In Excel 2008 we alert on load as we do not want to blow the data, if the
user sets the style to Œnone¹ or has the default file format to save as Xls
in Windows Excel (Xls does not support ŒPivot table styles¹ either for PC
and Mac) then the file can be round tripped successfully in Excel 2008.

Fergal Condron,
Macintosh Business Unit
Microsoft Corp.
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