Inconsistent behaviour of attributes accessed through structured r



I have a table that represents information in an outline structure.

The table has two columns, "Level" and "Requirement" that look like this-

Level Requirement
1 Top Level
2 Next Level
2 Next Level again
3 Further sublevel
2 Back to Level 2

Now, what I want to two functions that will-

1) Set the indents of the "Requirements" column based on the level numbers,

2) Se the Level numbers based on the indents of the Requirements column.

Sounds easy, And one way it is!

Can anyone explain why this works perfectly-

Dim oSh As Worksheet
Set oSh = ActiveSheet
oSh.Range("Reqts[Requirement]").IndentLevel =

But the converse just sets all the "Level" values to zero?-

Dim oSh As Worksheet
Set oSh = ActiveSheet
' This should work but doesn't
' oSh.Range("Reqts[Level]").Value =

I've got around it using a For Each loop for the second case, but the lack
of consistency bothers me. Is there a good reason why this works one way but
not the other?

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