Incorporating Captcha with Publisher



Does anyone know how to use CAPTCHA with Publisher? I am getting spammed to
death on my forms. I have tried eliminating fields and making them very
small in length no use they still keep trying. Is there any protection for
forms that anyone knows of? I'm open to just about anything.

Oh for those who don't know what CAPTCHA is ,

it's those distorted characters that are required to submit information on
forms a series of letters and numbers that you have to type in to prove you
are a human and not a bot.

Every time I bring up this topic my post gets deleted. So we will see.

Mike Koewler

I believe this is going to be more involved than you realize. It uses
php and from what I understand, needs to be incorporated into the form.
Perhaps David or Crash, who are far more adept at Pub than I am, can
explain how (or if) Pub's FP extensions and php can work together.

It might be much easier to require validation for a form. Something that
might work (not sure - I don't have a bot to test it with!) is to have
the person enter the numerical value of numbers in a box:
To protect your privacy, please enter the numerical value of the text
below in this box. The text would be two five seven nine one eight four.
The person would have to enter 2579184. You can set the validation of
the field to a number = to 2579184. If you want to add an extra layer of
security, set the colors different. Instead of using 0, 0, 0 (RGB) use
1, 1, 1 for one or two letters in the word. This breaks the word up into
different lines!



Publisher form controls have no validation functionality, so I don't see a
way to use CAPTCHA.

You said you are open to anything, read Mike Koewler recommends Soupermail
as an alternative to the form program used by Publisher. From a recent post:

"I highly recommend Soupermail. It's not a snap to set up - the user has
to be able to "RTFM," but it's not hard either. The instruction in the file tell users exactly what lines to change, such as
their server name and folder. They create two text files: config.txt and
soupermail.allow. The config.txt files consists of something like:
mailto: (e-mail address removed)
subject: Whatever you want to use to identify the form
mimeon: yes
nomailfooter: yes
alphasort: no

The soupermail.allow file can be empty, it just needs to find one.

The user can still take advantage of Pub's form capabilities to add
fields, etc. The only difference is it references as the

This is a very secure mail form and it can be very powerful. It's free
and available at There is a support
forum, FAQ and more to help the user get it working but if one can read
and use an FTP program, it's not a major task.

Once the script is set up, I just
change the configure file to whatever I need.

Here's the only things necessary to change in the script:
$soupermailAdmin = 'your email address';
$serverRoot = '/home/server name/name of folder you upload to';
# If you want to hide your config files from people browsing your site,
# provide a path OUTSIDE your server root here.
# Some examples:
# $privateRoot = "c:/inetpub/private";

That's about it as far as what needs to be changed. A couple of other
settings can be changed. Of course, once uploaded, the permissions need
to be set (explained in the pdf manual).

For Pub users struggling with FP extensions or HTTP uploading, this
makes it a lot easier."

Perhaps you can incorporate CAPTCHA into it???


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