incorrect heading numbering in master document



I have included several subdocuments into one master
document. All of these have the same template attached.
Both within the document and in the Table of contents the
heading numbering has gone wrong.
For titles with Heading 1 the numbering works fine. For
titles with Heading 2 the top level number is always 1 and
the second level numbering continues throughout the
document even though the Heading 1 titles are okay. This
means I end up with the following type of scenario in my
table of contents:

Chapter 2 Materials and Methods 34
1.8 Chemicals and Proteins 34
1.9 General Laboratory Procedures 34
1.9.1 pH Measurements 34
1.9.2 Urea Solutions 34
1.10 Reduction of HEWL 35
1.11 NMR Experiments 35
1.11.1 Equipment and Software 35
1.11.2 Sample Preparation 36
1.11.3 Experiments 38
1.12 Structure Calculations 41
1.13 Theoretical Analyses 42

I have tried re-applying the heading style in the master
document, but this still doesn't change anything about the
Does anybody know what I can do about this?



Charles Kenyon


Sorry, don't have an answer to your question but suggest you read the
following. "Master Document" is a term of art in Word referring to a
"feature" that not only doesn't work but also destroys documents. The
consensus (with the limited exception of Steve Hudson) among those offering
advice on these newsgroups is that using the Master Document feature is a
sure way to destroy your document. It can destroy parts of your document
that you are not even working on! I think John McGhie said it succinctly
when he said that there are two kinds of Master Documents: Those that are
corrupt and those that will be corrupt soon. See <URL:> for more
information on what goes wrong, and <URL:> for ideas on
how to salvage what you can.


Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Stefan Blom

In general, numbering problems can be fixed by setting up
the numbered list again (see instructions at
First of all, you could try using CTRL+Q in order to reset
the paragraph formatting to style.

However, as Charles pointed out, it is wise not to use
master documents at all, since they are likely to corrupt,
sooner or later. Word can easily handle even a big
document as a single file, assuming that your computer has
enough of RAM.

Stefan Blom

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