Hi Frank,
I am using Word 2002 SP2 and an ODBC data source linked with MS query. I
also have an account that is using Word 2000 with the same problem.
I've never, ever seen the problem under Word 2002. OTOH, the problem might
be with how this particular ODBC driver is communicating with Word. (MS
Query only puts together the data; Word still needs the ODBC connection to
the actual data source). Since you don't mention the application providing
the data, I'm assuming it's not a common one on the market?
Do you have any idea if it supports something like the FORMAT function, so
that you could preformat the dates as literal strings in MS Query?
How about linking the data via MS Query into Excel? Does that work? If so,
then you can at least merge this way.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)
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