Incorrect numeric values returned from expression



Apologies if this has already been answered!

I have a table that has a field called AMOUNT, which is an
amount in pence. I've created a query with an expression
to display the amount in pounds & pence. Sounds simple

Payment: ([AMOUNT]/100)

However, the new field 'Payment' merely rounds the amount
down to the nearest number of whole pounds. If I try
putting it as decimal, it justs displays 2 zeros instead
of the number of pence.

20030410 318 31862

Any ideas on how I can get the correct data displayed
would be gratefully received.

Many thanks

John Spencer (MVP)

Check the FieldSize of the Payment field. It is probably Long. It should be
Double or single if you want to have decimal portion. You can also use a field
type of currency (max 4 decimal figures).

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