Are You having variations in screened bitmap .tifs from quark as well?
Slight to moderate difficulty getting the same results from job to job on a
repeater? or having to set the screen at 35 to print 20? it's more subtle
from quark, but if you look the symptoms are there. once they upgraded the
software on the dpm, these issues all magically "dissapeared" with no
admissions from abdick corp.(sound a little like micro$oft?) yell loud
enough or call your sales rep and tell him you want a reduction in your
lease payment, of, say, $800 a month. they will fix it.,LOL
"Display tolerance & kindness to those with less
knowledge than you because there is ALWAYS
someone with more"
Lemr Sir Speedy 4102 said:
I am having trouble getting publisher to send correct tint and screen
values to our AB DICK DPM-34HSC platesetter (version DPM v4.4). I have a 2
color newsletter PMS 3025 and Black, the solids rip fine but the tints are
printing as much as 40 percent lighter. I have tried converting to PDFs and
i get the same problem. Does anyone have any ideas.