Incorrect Window Positioning



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

Can someone try the following steps on their copy of Excel 2008 and see if they can recreate my weird window positioning below?


1. Close Excel 2008 if necessary.
2. Change your dock to the left side of the window.
3. Open up Excel 2008. Show the Standard Toolbar (click on top-right lozenge).
4. Optional: add formula bar to the top of the window (just under the menubar)
5. Close Excel 2008.
6. Relaunch 2008.

For me, following these steps results in having a window like in the above image - new windows are launched approximately 150px below the menu bar, and it's really annoying. Getting the window back to normal requires either hiding the standard toolbar or leaving the dock at the bottom. Can anyone confirm this?

No, resetting Excel preferences does not help. This includes nuking ~/Library/Preferences/* and Office.

JE McGimpsey

For me, following these steps results in having a window like in the above
image - new windows are launched approximately 150px below the menu bar, and
it's really annoying. Getting the window back to normal requires either
hiding the standard toolbar or leaving the dock at the bottom. Can anyone
confirm this?

No, resetting Excel preferences does not help. This includes nuking
~/Library/Preferences/* and Office.

I can reproduce this. One workaround is to create a default workbook:

Create the workbook with the positioning you want. Save it *as a
template* (.xltx) with the name "Workbook" (no quotes, no extension), in

HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2008:Office:Startup:Excel:


Todd Aton

This is a problem we are tracking and it's due to the way Excel is
referencing the available screen dimensions.

Todd Aton
Macintosh Business Unit
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft makes no warranties, express, implied or statutory, as to the
information in this post.

Jacob Biesinger

I didn't think my problem was related until I heard that you're working on a bug with screen dimensions.

I run two monitors from my macbook. One is very large (1600x1200 resolution) and the other is the regular monitor for the laptop. After switching back and forth a few times between one and two monitors, Excel will often open new documents as tiny wedges of windows. They are normally about 4 pixels wide and about 12 pixels tall. Once that starts, every new workbook created or document opened shows up as a window slice. Removing the preferences folders as above doesn't help. "Zooming" the window doesn't either (it only repositions the slice) nor does minimizing then maximizing. It is quite the frustrating error as those slices are pretty tough to see ...

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