If the code
row= 10
For i = 1 to 5
row= row+1
Worksheets("73").Range("b" & row).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("73-1
Data").Range(("b" & row)
next i
lets me take and copy b11, b12, b13, b14, b15
So how can I take the column and move it. Lets say that in the above I want
to move the copy to destination to change from a, b, c, d, e
row = 10
column = a
For i = 1 to 5
row= row+1
column = column + 1(???not really 1 so how do I do it????)
Worksheets("73").Range("b" & row).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("73-1
Data").Range((column & row)
next i
row= 10
For i = 1 to 5
row= row+1
Worksheets("73").Range("b" & row).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("73-1
Data").Range(("b" & row)
next i
lets me take and copy b11, b12, b13, b14, b15
So how can I take the column and move it. Lets say that in the above I want
to move the copy to destination to change from a, b, c, d, e
row = 10
column = a
For i = 1 to 5
row= row+1
column = column + 1(???not really 1 so how do I do it????)
Worksheets("73").Range("b" & row).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("73-1
Data").Range((column & row)
next i