increment a text!?!?!



i have a field in a table which is of text type. It stores
values like
The logic behind is that the first two indicate the year,
the second two indicate the month and the last two
indicate the no of Invoice raised in a particular month.
Now i want to have this particular field in my forms to be
automatically incremented each time i add a record. Not
only that but if the month changes then the monthnumber
should also change and cause the numbering to start from
the begining.
There is again a problem. We raise invoices not directly
allways. but sometimes an estimate is raised and if
approved the corresponding invoice is raised. This means
that either the invoices entry can be a new entry
(addition of a record - insert event) or it can be in an
existing record. I have already made an unbound form that
only has a text box that displays the last maximum number
raised. how can this be done. I am also not well versed in
VBA & codings etc. CAN this be DONE????
Also my form should update the table.
What are the possibilities??

Steve Schapel


I guess the normal way to do this would be to not store any such thing
as 0401/01 in a field in a table. This is not "atomic" data, and also I
presume some of it is redundant, in that I imagine you also have an
invoice date field as well? So, I would just have a number field for
the invoice number, and then whenever needed for user/display purposes
on your forms and reports, use a calculated field in the query or on the
form/report, such as...
=Format([InvoiceDate],"yymm\/") & Format([InvoiceNumber],"00")
Then, when adding a new record, or entering the invoice number for an
existing estimate record, you can set the invoice number to the
equivalent of...
Nz(DMax("[InvoiceNumber]","YourTable","Format([InvoiceDate],'yymm')='" &
Format(Me![InvoiceDate],"yymm") & "'"),0)+1

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