I have the following formula in cell B2 of a worksheet 4.
=SUM('Area Flooded per Property'!C:C,-'Area Flooded per Property'!C$1)
Area Flooded per property is sheet 2. I need to apply this formula down
the column to fill many rows, but i need the "C" to increment to "D"
and continue to increment. As follows
cell b3 =SUM('Area Flooded per Property'!D
,-'Area Flooded per
cell b4 =SUM('Area Flooded per Property'!E:E,-'Area Flooded per
and so on and so forth
But when i drag this formula down there is no increment that occurs
even tho there is no $, does anybody know a way around this.
Thank You
I have the following formula in cell B2 of a worksheet 4.
=SUM('Area Flooded per Property'!C:C,-'Area Flooded per Property'!C$1)
Area Flooded per property is sheet 2. I need to apply this formula down
the column to fill many rows, but i need the "C" to increment to "D"
and continue to increment. As follows
cell b3 =SUM('Area Flooded per Property'!D
cell b4 =SUM('Area Flooded per Property'!E:E,-'Area Flooded per
and so on and so forth
But when i drag this formula down there is no increment that occurs
even tho there is no $, does anybody know a way around this.
Thank You