Increment expression in query


Bill Rhodes

Is there any way to create an incrementing expression in
a 'Totals' query? I know I can do it via the VB behind a
form, but I want to do it in a query.

The query is totaling by type. I just wanted to add an
expression that would do a:
Numbering for each line in the Totals query.
10 TypeA blah blah,
20 TypeB blah blah, etc.

In a form I would simply put some VB in that said
something along the lines of: "[increment] = [increment]
+10, but I can't figure it out in the query.

Allen Browne

There is no *efficient* way to do this.

If you are a very patient person and don't care how long it takes for the
query to run, you could use a subqeury or a DCount() expression to count the
number of previous rows and multiply by 10.

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