I need to increment text from a table for new records. If Null set to
000000A. If 000000A exists, then it would need to increment to 000001B. Below
is a sample of the code I have to increment the number but no leading zero's
are added from this formula. The letter update has not been added, but i will
need this updated also. Please assist if at all possible.
RedNum = Chr(Asc(DMax("Nz(Left([RedNum],6),000000A)",
"[InstalledCircuitTable]", "[RedNum]") + 1))
000000A. If 000000A exists, then it would need to increment to 000001B. Below
is a sample of the code I have to increment the number but no leading zero's
are added from this formula. The letter update has not been added, but i will
need this updated also. Please assist if at all possible.
RedNum = Chr(Asc(DMax("Nz(Left([RedNum],6),000000A)",
"[InstalledCircuitTable]", "[RedNum]") + 1))