Graham Mayor was kind enough to answer an earlier question
on sequenced mailing labels. I have a followup for him (or
anyone else) that might be able to provide the "final
piece" of this equation:
Can I have a USER INPUT type of field to "seed" the
FUNCTION, so that I might use:
=({SEQ Label} + MySeed)
So that if a user enters 1000, the first field sequence
number is 1001?
The user might see: "Enter your starting sequence number: "
and would enter that number from a paper ledger.
I don't really understand how to use that type of input
yet, so I'd also like to know how I can "hide" that field
in the document, but have it come up for user-entry when
ready to print (or when opening the doc, it really doesn't
matter when).
PS: If there's any way to add an auto-incrementing number
to an Access data source (and then use that number for the
SEQ label), might you please tell me how.
on sequenced mailing labels. I have a followup for him (or
anyone else) that might be able to provide the "final
piece" of this equation:
Can I have a USER INPUT type of field to "seed" the
FUNCTION, so that I might use:
=({SEQ Label} + MySeed)
So that if a user enters 1000, the first field sequence
number is 1001?
The user might see: "Enter your starting sequence number: "
and would enter that number from a paper ledger.
I don't really understand how to use that type of input
yet, so I'd also like to know how I can "hide" that field
in the document, but have it come up for user-entry when
ready to print (or when opening the doc, it really doesn't
matter when).
PS: If there's any way to add an auto-incrementing number
to an Access data source (and then use that number for the
SEQ label), might you please tell me how.