Incrementing Months



Anybody know how to make Excel increment by actual
calender months. The DateValue function has a problem.
I want to create a column of month, day, years
incrementing to the last day of the next month. For
example, 6/30/2003, 7/31/2003, 8/31/2003, etc. The
datevalue function doesn't work for this because when you
tell it to +1 the month component it seems to increment
the numeric date by 31 days irrespective of the actual
number of calender days in the month being incremented.
This increments to the 1st day of the 2nd month instead
of the last day of the next month when the next month has
30 days. For example, incrementing the datevalue by +1
month from 8/31/2003 produces the date 10/1/2003 rather
than 9/30/2003.


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