Indented list sybols, not outdented?


Peter Bowyer

How can I get the list item symbols to be indented, rather than outdented
(where the text is aligned with the paragraphs above/below and the symbol
hangs into the margin)?

Is there a reason for it being this way by default?

Erik Sojka

I imagine that the behavior is based on early user testing where a difference
was shown in how people take notes as opposed to creating a bulletted list in
a final document.

As an example from my previous "paper" life, I used to put numbers and
bullets in the margins and only indented when creating an outline. So the
behaviour in OneNote didn't phase me.

To get indented bullets, create the indent first in the new "paragraph" by
pressing Tab, then creating the bullet/number. Using AutoCorrect saves a lot
of time here!

You can also change the indent level using the "Increase/Decrease Indent"
buttons on the Formatting toolbar.

Peter Bowyer

Erik Sojka said:
As an example from my previous "paper" life, I used to put numbers and
bullets in the margins and only indented when creating an outline. So the
behaviour in OneNote didn't phase me.

OK. In my paper life I always indent my lists when they are content lists,
and only outdent into the margin when they are structure.

Thanks for the instructions!

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