Jan B
Here's what I'm ultimately trying to accomplish. I have
written two manuals, and want to produce one index for the
two manuals, so I might get entries like the following in
the combined index:
Date Formats..........Dev1-258, Dev2-49
Where Dev1 and Dev2 represent two separate manuals, along
with the page numbers in each manual. So I'm trying to
build in the prefix text in each manual, and then create a
Master Word document and insert each manual as a
Can I accomplish this?
written two manuals, and want to produce one index for the
two manuals, so I might get entries like the following in
the combined index:
Date Formats..........Dev1-258, Dev2-49
Where Dev1 and Dev2 represent two separate manuals, along
with the page numbers in each manual. So I'm trying to
build in the prefix text in each manual, and then create a
Master Word document and insert each manual as a
Can I accomplish this?