John Smith
I've tried to find a post similar to my problem, but I haven't had
much luck and my knowledge of the subject is extremely lacking. I'm
trying to find a value based upon a double match. Sheet 1 has a named
table (w/headers) "EmpData" and sheet 3 has the lookup criteria
(employee number (K4) and supervisor's name (I2)) and will contain the
result of the search. The search will look in EmpData to find the
supervisor's name (col. "P") and the employee's number (col"E") . When
a match is found, I need the value from column "O" returned to sheet
3. I have tried the following code and some variations of it, but to
no avail. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
LastRow = Range("P" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For r = LastRow To 4 Step -1
Cells(r, "P").Offset(0, 5).Value = "=INDEX(EmpData,MATCH(I2,P3
" & r
& ",0),MATCH(K" & r & ",E3:E" & r & ",0))"
Next r
I've tried to find a post similar to my problem, but I haven't had
much luck and my knowledge of the subject is extremely lacking. I'm
trying to find a value based upon a double match. Sheet 1 has a named
table (w/headers) "EmpData" and sheet 3 has the lookup criteria
(employee number (K4) and supervisor's name (I2)) and will contain the
result of the search. The search will look in EmpData to find the
supervisor's name (col. "P") and the employee's number (col"E") . When
a match is found, I need the value from column "O" returned to sheet
3. I have tried the following code and some variations of it, but to
no avail. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
LastRow = Range("P" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For r = LastRow To 4 Step -1
Cells(r, "P").Offset(0, 5).Value = "=INDEX(EmpData,MATCH(I2,P3
& ",0),MATCH(K" & r & ",E3:E" & r & ",0))"
Next r