Katalin said:
Problem with Index entry (XE), it puts a name in wrong place. The name
is listed among the names starting with "L" as in Leslie. Can you help?
Thank yopu.
Hi Katalin,
What do your XE fields look like? I guess you currently have say { xe
"Leslie Biss" }?
Word's index fields don't allow a switch to choose a separate sorting word
You could change the fields with names to, in your example, { xe "Biss,
Leslie" }.
Then after you generated the index, select it(!!), and do a wildcard
Check "Match wildcards",
Find what: (<[A-Za-z^32\-]@), ([A-Za-z^32\-]@^32)(^32)
Replace with: \2\1 \3
Then "Replace all", Direction: Down.
(And remember you'll have to fix it again if you later update the index)
This assumes your index currently has two spaces (^32) in front of the page
Else, you'd have to adapt the Find/Replace a bit.