I have a large document (160 pages) that has multiple chapters and the
numbering within each chapter includes both the chapter and page number
(e.g., 2-1). The chapters are numbered using the \s chapter switch.
In the TOC, I use the \s chapter switch and it works fine. In the header and
footer, I use the same switch, and it too works fine. BUT, when i use the
switch to generate the index, it doesn't work. I just get a page number with
each entry.
I have had other documents in which the switch works for some chapters but
not others. I have even copied the Index "field" from a document in which it
did work, only to find that it didn't work in this document!
I've searched the message boards but haven't found any mention of this
"problem" by other users. Soooo, either I'm doing something wrong or my docs
are to wacko for Word to handle.
Any thoughts, ideas, comments, tips, or tricks would be greatly appreciated
- - - other than the obvious one of numbering the pages straight through!!
numbering within each chapter includes both the chapter and page number
(e.g., 2-1). The chapters are numbered using the \s chapter switch.
In the TOC, I use the \s chapter switch and it works fine. In the header and
footer, I use the same switch, and it too works fine. BUT, when i use the
switch to generate the index, it doesn't work. I just get a page number with
each entry.
I have had other documents in which the switch works for some chapters but
not others. I have even copied the Index "field" from a document in which it
did work, only to find that it didn't work in this document!
I've searched the message boards but haven't found any mention of this
"problem" by other users. Soooo, either I'm doing something wrong or my docs
are to wacko for Word to handle.
Any thoughts, ideas, comments, tips, or tricks would be greatly appreciated
- - - other than the obvious one of numbering the pages straight through!!