index match 2 rows 1 col




I am trying to come up with an index match formula but maybe I need some
other type of function. Here's the situation:

In one workbook, Sheet 1 is a large list of names in col A. Under each name
is a set of items (in Col B). The items are repeated as a set under each
name. Then in Cols C - AG is 1 - 31, the days of a month. Each name has a
separate sheet in the same workbook where I need to collect the individuals
data to use as a basis for other more complex manipulations. I'm having
trouble figuring out how to write the formula on the individual's sheet to
pull in the appropriate result by item# by day. By the way, the order and
total number of items is volatile so I would prefer a match type of formula
to avoid future problems.

Here is just a start hat I have so far along with a simplified layout of the
Since the days row and items are repeated with each name, how do I get the
match with the right name instead of just the first occurence?

Sheet 1
A B C D E (etc out to AG)
joe 1 2 3 (day of month etc out to 31)
item 1 9 0 2 (random results)
item 2 0 7 1 (random results)
pam 1 2 3 (day of month)
item 1 5 1 2
item 2 3 2 3

Sheet Joe
1 2 3 (day of month)
item 1 9 0 2 (this is the formula I need)
item 2

Thanks for any help!

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