Index & multiple sheets in one workbook



I am using a formula and it works, but only for sheet 1. The source workbook
has 16 worksheets. I need it to search all 16 worksheet to find a match. I
need to modify my formula so that will search the whole workbook.


=INDEX('D:\GLOBAL X RAY\[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A6:$C6,3)


Do you only have data on row 6 of each sheet? Can you not combine the
sheets into one composite sheet, instead of having 16 of them?



Your terminology is very confusing.

You're stating that you're *searching* to find a *match*.

The formula you posted is a simple, straight, *link* formula, that returns
the contents of a *specific* cell in a specific WS in a specific WB!

There's *no* searching or matching being performed by the formula that you

Care to re-phrase your question, or post a different formula as an example?


I am using 2 workbooks.

The first workbook , d:\globalxray\customer price level4.xls is created by
running a Crystal Report and then exported to Excel. It has the Customer ID,
Inventory item, and the actual price being charged. This will only be
updated when the price of an inventory is changed, a new inventory item is
added, or any other changes made. When Crystal export to Excel it creates
the workbook customer price leve4.xls and I am assuming to the amount of data
it creates several sheets for one workbook. Is there a limit to the sheets
that can be created in workbook? This would only increase by new customers
and inventory items. I can eliminate some by including only active records.

The second workbook will pull the Inventory item rate from the 1st workbook.
So the second workbook should only use one worksheet. This is then saved to
a .csv which I will put the formula in to pull the rate and then I will copy
and pasted special to get the values only. This will be imported into an
accounting program. This is all working at this time. We are just added the
inventory rate now. So, if there is a better formula to use I am all for it.
I can send you the spreadsheet if you need for a better understanding.

(source spreadsheet) d:\globalxray\customer price level4.xls

A1 B1 C2
Customer ID Item ID Price

1000 14 X 17 14.50
1000 1ECNC 10.00
1000 1IHOFST 20.00
1000 1IHONOT 30.00
1000 1IHONST 0.00

2nd spreadsheet (pulls the data from the first): d:\globalxray\customer
price level test.xls

CustomerID ITemID Billing rate (data pulled from 1st
1000 14 X 17 14.50 in column C)
1000 1ECNC 10.00
1000 1IHOFST 20.00
1000 1IHONOT 30.00
1000 1IHONST 0.00


Ragdyer said:
Your terminology is very confusing.

You're stating that you're *searching* to find a *match*.

The formula you posted is a simple, straight, *link* formula, that returns
the contents of a *specific* cell in a specific WS in a specific WB!

There's *no* searching or matching being performed by the formula that you

Care to re-phrase your question, or post a different formula as an example?


Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
klafert said:
I am using a formula and it works, but only for sheet 1. The source workbook
has 16 worksheets. I need it to search all 16 worksheet to find a match. I
need to modify my formula so that will search the whole workbook.


=INDEX('D:\GLOBAL X RAY\[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A6:$C6,3)


I am open to changing my formula if necesssary. This was my orignal formula:

=INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$C$2,3)

But when I used copy or fill down then it didnt adjust the cell like it
normally does for me.

C2 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$C$2,3)
C3 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$3:$C$3,3)
C4 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$4:$C$4,3)
C5 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$5:$C$5,3) and so on....

klafert said:
I am using 2 workbooks.

The first workbook , d:\globalxray\customer price level4.xls is created by
running a Crystal Report and then exported to Excel. It has the Customer ID,
Inventory item, and the actual price being charged. This will only be
updated when the price of an inventory is changed, a new inventory item is
added, or any other changes made. When Crystal export to Excel it creates
the workbook customer price leve4.xls and I am assuming to the amount of data
it creates several sheets for one workbook. Is there a limit to the sheets
that can be created in workbook? This would only increase by new customers
and inventory items. I can eliminate some by including only active records.

The second workbook will pull the Inventory item rate from the 1st workbook.
So the second workbook should only use one worksheet. This is then saved to
a .csv which I will put the formula in to pull the rate and then I will copy
and pasted special to get the values only. This will be imported into an
accounting program. This is all working at this time. We are just added the
inventory rate now. So, if there is a better formula to use I am all for it.
I can send you the spreadsheet if you need for a better understanding.

(source spreadsheet) d:\globalxray\customer price level4.xls

A1 B1 C2
Customer ID Item ID Price

1000 14 X 17 14.50
1000 1ECNC 10.00
1000 1IHOFST 20.00
1000 1IHONOT 30.00
1000 1IHONST 0.00

2nd spreadsheet (pulls the data from the first): d:\globalxray\customer
price level test.xls

CustomerID ITemID Billing rate (data pulled from 1st
1000 14 X 17 14.50 in column C)
1000 1ECNC 10.00
1000 1IHOFST 20.00
1000 1IHONOT 30.00
1000 1IHONST 0.00


Ragdyer said:
Your terminology is very confusing.

You're stating that you're *searching* to find a *match*.

The formula you posted is a simple, straight, *link* formula, that returns
the contents of a *specific* cell in a specific WS in a specific WB!

There's *no* searching or matching being performed by the formula that you

Care to re-phrase your question, or post a different formula as an example?


Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
klafert said:
I am using a formula and it works, but only for sheet 1. The source workbook
has 16 worksheets. I need it to search all 16 worksheet to find a match. I
need to modify my formula so that will search the whole workbook.


=INDEX('D:\GLOBAL X RAY\[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A6:$C6,3)


=INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$C$2,3)

just amend it to:
=INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A2:$C2,3)

then when you copy C2 down, it'll propagate in the desired manner indicated
in your posting

klafert said:
I am open to changing my formula if necesssary. This was my orignal formula:

=INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$C$2,3)

But when I used copy or fill down then it didnt adjust the cell like it
normally does for me.

C2 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$C$2,3)
C3 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$3:$C$3,3)
C4 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$4:$C$4,3)
C5 =INDEX('[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A$5:$C$5,3) and so on....

Dave Peterson

Check your other post, too.
I am using a formula and it works, but only for sheet 1. The source workbook
has 16 worksheets. I need it to search all 16 worksheet to find a match. I
need to modify my formula so that will search the whole workbook.


=INDEX('D:\GLOBAL X RAY\[customer price level4.xls]Sheet1'!$A6:$C6,3)

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