Index or Primary Key Cannot Contain Null Value



This thread is similar to another with a similar title, but I never heard if
there was a resolution to the problem.... So here goes:

I'm attempting to create an invoicing system within our database. Invoices
are to be based on the Order Number from the Order Entry table. I've created
a form with subforms that combines elements of four tables: Order Entry,
tblInvoice, HDRPLAT, and LINPLAT. The order entry table contains details
about the order. tblInvoice contains information about the Invoice. HDRPLAT
and LINPLAT are two tables that need to be exported as .dbf files so that we
can update the corporate database. When an invoice already exists within the
tblInvoice, HDRPLAT, and LINPLAT tables, everything is fine, but when I try
to create a new invoice for an existing Order Number, I get the error: Index
or Primary Key Cannot Contain Null Value.

The main form (frmInvoice) is based on the Order Entry table. I'm thinking
that in order to create a new invoice properly, that I need to initiate some
"add new record" event to the three other tables via a button on my main
form. Not sure how to go about it. Perhaps a popup form asking for the new
invoice number could update all three tables, then close?

Your help will be appreciated.

Why are you asking me? I dont know what Im doing!


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