Jan Batty
Here's what I'm ultimately trying to accomplish. I have
written two manuals, and want to produce one index for the
two manuals, so I might get entries like the following in
the combined index:
Date Formats..........Dev1-258, Dev2-49
Where Dev1 and Dev2 represent two separate manuals with
their respective page numbers.
I thought maybe having one set up like the following:
{ XE "Date Formats" \e "Dev1" \l "-" }
would work, but it doesn't.
written two manuals, and want to produce one index for the
two manuals, so I might get entries like the following in
the combined index:
Date Formats..........Dev1-258, Dev2-49
Where Dev1 and Dev2 represent two separate manuals with
their respective page numbers.
I thought maybe having one set up like the following:
{ XE "Date Formats" \e "Dev1" \l "-" }
would work, but it doesn't.