Allo Mate,
Access front end, SQL Svr back end.
No relationships in Access or diagram in Sql Svr, and no referential
integrety set.
<had a bad experience with Access, where I related all the tables in my app
and one day, a month or so later, came in to look at the diagram and it was
all gone. so I did not bother to reinstate it, as I was just trying to
create a converted app, quickly, based on what the dept had been doing in
Excel. I can go back once I get the access back end, sufficiently converted
to sql svr>
See the rest of my responses below*:
<* Let me know if it's more efficient for me to respond here, on top of the
Thanks again, mdm
Allen Browne said:
Firstly, you mentioned clustered indexing. That's not actually an Access
term, so is the data is Access tables, or SQL Server or something else?
Will assume Access. When you do create the relationship, will they be
created with referential integrity? If so, that's all you need. If not, then
yes, you should index the foreign key fields.
In general, indexing each
field is probaby more efficient than using a multi-field index, because
Access can use each index independently as well as using them
***MDM-ok, that's what I needed to know. The fields are independent,
linking to their respective lists to pull Names. I understand and have used
multiple field primary keys, but didn't see the logic of clustering all the
independent fields in the master table.
The exception is when you want to insist that a combination
is unique, or using the combination as the keys of a relationship to another
For example, if you are selling limited edition prints of your
photographs, the PhotoID + EditionNo would be a good candidate for a 2-field
***MDM - are you a(nother) photographer?
Access cannot use the 2nd or subsequent field of a multi-field index on its
own. It also cannot use the index if you are not searching at the start of
the field, e.g.:
Like "*wildard in the middle or end"
The fields you regularly sort on will also benefit from indexing.
How many records are you loading into this combo into this combo? It should
be able to load a few thousand almost instantaneously. If you have more than
that, you may want to consider delay-loading the combo as described here:
***MDM-One list that takes alotta time is just giving the users a dropdown
choice of a "Project". There are 1600 projects, but I have to link to about
4 tables to pull in Names that they can see in the list. Each of the sub
tables is prime keyed by their respective ID's. When the user starts typing
a (known) project # into the combo, or just drops it down, it takes a good 30
secs, and now that I have linked to sql, a good minute before it drops down
the list and highlights the selection. I use left outer joins from the
master to each of the child tables. In some cases Access is balking at other
joins I have in other queries, saying they are ambigious. But, those qrys
have been used for the last 6 months in access.
I will look up the code in your links. BTW, if I run the query, outside the
form, with a criteria of a project #, it comes up instantly.