INDEXing Question



I have my data in a table like this:

Data Table BOX017 BOX060 BOX161
A 109
B 38275 4

I am trying to find a formula to use in the body of this new table that will
give the results below:

New Table BOX017 BOX060 BOX161 BOX226
A 0 109 0 0
B 38275 0 4 0
C 0 0 0 0
D 0 0 0 0

Thank you in advance.


Thanks but I am not trying to fill in the blanks with zero. The formating
makes it difficult to see but what I need is on the new table, the formula
looks at the value in
A2 and B1 finds the match in the data table (if there is one) and returns
that value. If there is no match, return a 0.


Ashish Mathur

Dear Carl,

Assuming your data table is in range A1:D5, try the following formula:



Ashish Mathur

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