Indexing w/ Word 2000


DJ Williams

I am able to index a manuscript that has generated
FOOTNOTES without any trouble, but can't make an index if
a manuscript contains generated CHAPTER END NOTES.

How do I generate an index (using Word's hidden index
markings) in a book containing Word 2000-generated chapter
end notes?

Robert M. Franz (RMF)


DJ said:
I am able to index a manuscript that has generated
FOOTNOTES without any trouble, but can't make an index if
a manuscript contains generated CHAPTER END NOTES.

I can do that with both foot- or endnotes. That probably doesn't help
you much, alas, it doesn't help us (usually) a lot if you just say
"can't make" withtout specifying what (exactly) you do and what the
result is (unable to enter the field, no result although there are
XE-fields present in the doc, error message, crash of Word, crash of
<enter your favourite OS here>, the like ...). Also, if there's anything
"unusual" with your document or your application environment, please
mention it: large number of sections, using 3rd party tools,
How do I generate an index (using Word's hidden index
markings) in a book containing Word 2000-generated chapter
end notes?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I suspect DJ may be having trouble getting "beyond" the last endnotes in
order to insert the index. I haven't tried this, but I would just insert a
Next Page section break at the end of the document text in *Normal* view (so
the endnotes are not showing), then put the index after the section break
and let Word take care of the rest.

DJ Williams


Your suggestion has helped but now the index generates
BETWEEN the body of the document and the end notes. I
placed the cursor at the very lowest part of the
manuscript while in *normal* view, made the section break
and the index generated, but in the wrong place when one
goes back to the *print* view.

I have tried again and again. The cursor will not go any
lower and it is apparently not past the invisible end
notes although the cursor is as low at it will go (just
above the black "end of the document" thick line).


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you sure you have your endnotes at the end of the section and not at the
end of the document?

Dayo Mitchell

He must have them set to end of document--perhaps "chapter end notes" is a
bit confusing, as that suggests the notes are at the end of each chapter
(and usually there's one chapter per section).

DJ, I'm envisioning your desired final product like this:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
All endnotes for all chapters
If that's not right, let us know what is.

Putting endnotes at the end of the document forces them to the *very* end.
You can't get anything after it.

Word 2000 really doesn't have a workaround for this, although 2001 and later
do. If you need to print out the document, you should be able to fudge the
page numbers and assemble it properly, but for electronic submission I think
you're stuck, unless you can get access to a later version of Word.

Conceivably (and I'm brainstorming here) you could fudge the page numbers
and reassemble them in PDF instead of printing (there are cheaper
alternatives than Acrobat). Conceivably it might work to convert all the
endnotes to plain text, and then you would be able to put that text
anywhere, but then of course endnote numbers would not update or anything,
so you would have to be perfectly finished with the doc before you did
something like that.

Your original problem was probably b/c if the cursor is in Endnote (or
Footnote) space, then the OK button on the Insert Index dialog is completely
grayed out. Does that sound familiar?


DJ Williams

Suzanne and DM, you have solved my problem!

The last set of end notes was indeed set for "end of the
document" in the Footnote and Endnote Box. Once changed
to "end of section" and a section break made, the Index
generated and in the proper place.

It was a case of my not considering the last part of the
document as a "section" which, of course, it is as far as
Word is concerned.

Thanks for your help.

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