Indicator when Remaining Work increases



The Team Members are able to increase their remaining work in their
Timesheets. Then the Project Manager or their Resource manager has to
validade these timesheets. Is it possible to display a red traffic light if
the resource increased the remaining work, so that the Manager will be aware
of the issue before validation.

Thanks for your help


Ross Andren

Sorry...don't think so.

The updates view, which is where it would be useful in PWA doesn't allow
changes to the view, so even if you could create an indicator, you couldn't
see it!

As an alternative, you might think about putting an indicator in the
Enterprise Global Template at a task level. You could write a macro that
transfers the work to a number field so that it records the 'as is' state,
and then when any updates are accepted or keyed to an assignment the
indicator would compare this number field against the work field and
indicate changes. Note that this would be at a task level, not an assignment
level so would show changes, but a PM would then have to look at the
assignments to see who was responsible for the changes. Not ideal, but
hopefully useful!



Dale Howard [MVP]

Newbie --

There is no way to display an indicator on the Updates page in PWA when a
team member increases the Remaining Work value on a task assignment. Our
recommendation is that the team member add a Note to the task to document
the reason for increasing (or decreasing) the Remaining Work. The PM can
then look for the Note indicator on task updates. Hope this helps.

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