Indirect and Sheet Name



I have a formula =COUNTA(INDIRECT(A3)) which returns the count of items in a
range which is defined in cell A3, the formula in A3 is below. Is there a
way of not having to include the sheet name (Sheet 1) in cell A3 and to
include in the COUNTA formula.

="'Sheet 1'"&"!C"&A1&":"&"C"&B1

Thanks, Rob

Bernard Liengme

Two possibilities
a) replace the A3 formula by ="C"&A1&":"&"C"&B1
and replace the COUNTA by =COUNTA(INDIRECT("'Sheet1'!"&A3))

or, better still
b) do away with the the A3 formula all together and use

best wishes


If you leave out the sheet name then the formula will apply only to the
current sheet and it would look like this: ="C"&A1&":"&"C"&B1.

Or, you could ignore cell A3 and use a formula like this:
=COUNTA(INDIRECT("C" & A1 & ":C" & B1))


Roger Govier

Hi Rob

Another alternative, would be to use Index rather than the volatile
Indirect function


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