Mike McLellan

I am trying to access data in a closed file using the add in INDIRECT.EXT.

The name of the file is in C11 (value = "'C:\Temp\20060327\[20060327 -
Weekly - All locations - LPS - Live.xls]Weekly'!$C$9" inc double quotes) and
the call to INDIRECT.EXT (value = =INDIRECT.EXT(C11)) is in F11. The result
of the call is a #VALUE! error.

When I change the call in F11 to =INDIRECT.EXT("'C:\Temp\20060327\[20060327
- Weekly - All locations - LPS - Live.xls]Weekly'!$C$9") it works a treat.
Can anyone explain what's wrong with the former expression?

Haldun Alay

I think you are using MOREFUNC add-in for INDIRECT.EXT

If so, remove the double quotes from C11. and replace the formula with INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("'",C11)). it worked for me.

' character has a special meaning for excel. if a cell content starts with ' character, excel assumes rest of the cell content as text. beacuse of that we used CONCANTENATE to add ' char to C11 cell content in INDIRECT.EXT formula.

Haldun Alay

"Mike McLellan" <[email protected]>, haber iletisinde ÅŸunları yazdı:D[email protected]...
I am trying to access data in a closed file using the add in INDIRECT.EXT.

The name of the file is in C11 (value = "'C:\Temp\20060327\[20060327 -
Weekly - All locations - LPS - Live.xls]Weekly'!$C$9" inc double quotes) and
the call to INDIRECT.EXT (value = =INDIRECT.EXT(C11)) is in F11. The result
of the call is a #VALUE! error.

When I change the call in F11 to =INDIRECT.EXT("'C:\Temp\20060327\[20060327
- Weekly - All locations - LPS - Live.xls]Weekly'!$C$9") it works a treat.
Can anyone explain what's wrong with the former expression?

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