I have the following formula working correctly, but I also need to find the
next instances of the occurance and I'm not sure where the INDIRECT part of
the formula should go. I couldn't tell from the other posts similar to this
what I need to do in my particular situation. Can anyone help? Thanks!
=INDEX('Master Com Plan'!G15:G44,MATCH(1,('Master Com Plan'!A15:A44="SDS
PM")*('Master Com Plan'!H15:H44="SDS Leads")*('Master Com Plan'!Q15:Q44=7),0))
next instances of the occurance and I'm not sure where the INDIRECT part of
the formula should go. I couldn't tell from the other posts similar to this
what I need to do in my particular situation. Can anyone help? Thanks!
=INDEX('Master Com Plan'!G15:G44,MATCH(1,('Master Com Plan'!A15:A44="SDS
PM")*('Master Com Plan'!H15:H44="SDS Leads")*('Master Com Plan'!Q15:Q44=7),0))