I have information on two rows of data that i want to be on one row.
My information is taxing authority info with a line item for each tax item
per invoice, as such:
Inv# Order# Desc Desc2 Line value Inv value
12345 56261 LA State tax 54% exclu $203.78 $11,800.00
12345 56261 Parish tax $526.05 $11,800.00
I woud like to pull the "parish tax" info into the same row as the LA State
tax, my indirect function isn't working . . . most invoices have two rows, a
few have four but I can segregate the data to do all the like-numbered rows
My information is taxing authority info with a line item for each tax item
per invoice, as such:
Inv# Order# Desc Desc2 Line value Inv value
12345 56261 LA State tax 54% exclu $203.78 $11,800.00
12345 56261 Parish tax $526.05 $11,800.00
I woud like to pull the "parish tax" info into the same row as the LA State
tax, my indirect function isn't working . . . most invoices have two rows, a
few have four but I can segregate the data to do all the like-numbered rows