Excel 2007 all MS updates
I need to search ANY column of numbers, say Column AL, to determine if any
of the values are below or above a value that I'm wanting to find.
Here's an example: in Column AL the values are 1.20, 1.50, 1.75, 1.10, 1.95,
1.55. I'd like to find all cells that have a value of less than 1.50 (not
less than or equal in this example). Hence, for Column AM, I'd normally use
something like =IF(AL1<1.50,"True","False") for each of the cells of AM1,
AM2, AM3, AM4, AM5, AM6 etc... I'd get a "True" for 1.20, 1.10 and a "False"
for 1.50, 1.75, 1.95, 1.55.
I'd like to GENERALIZE this by setting up a cell for the OPERATION (less
than, less than or equal to, equal to, greater than, greater than or equal
to) and another cell for the VALUE I'm looking for (the 1.50 in the above
example and a cell for the COLUMN I'm wanting to compare.
I'm struggling with the structure of the formula. Here's what I currently
=IF(H3675<>"",IF(AL3675<=$A$3,"LE",""),""). [I change ALL 4000+ entries
EACH time I want to do a comparison!) H3675 here is a cell that contains a
date, AL3675 is cell #3675 in column AL that contains a value (like the 1.20,
1.10 etc above); <= is my "less than or equal here" that I'd like to change
to be a cell value in, say Cell AL1 where I put the <=; $A$3 is my value that
I use (the 1.50 used in the above example-I can do this!); the "LE" is less
than or equal etc. (I'll probably need an LE, LT, EQ, GE, GT).
Any ideas on approaching would be appreciated as the Excel FIND doesn't do
value comparisons and I'd like to make my comparisons variable by COLUMN (AL
etc), OPERATION (LE, LT etc.) and VALUE (1.50 etc.).
I need to search ANY column of numbers, say Column AL, to determine if any
of the values are below or above a value that I'm wanting to find.
Here's an example: in Column AL the values are 1.20, 1.50, 1.75, 1.10, 1.95,
1.55. I'd like to find all cells that have a value of less than 1.50 (not
less than or equal in this example). Hence, for Column AM, I'd normally use
something like =IF(AL1<1.50,"True","False") for each of the cells of AM1,
AM2, AM3, AM4, AM5, AM6 etc... I'd get a "True" for 1.20, 1.10 and a "False"
for 1.50, 1.75, 1.95, 1.55.
I'd like to GENERALIZE this by setting up a cell for the OPERATION (less
than, less than or equal to, equal to, greater than, greater than or equal
to) and another cell for the VALUE I'm looking for (the 1.50 in the above
example and a cell for the COLUMN I'm wanting to compare.
I'm struggling with the structure of the formula. Here's what I currently
=IF(H3675<>"",IF(AL3675<=$A$3,"LE",""),""). [I change ALL 4000+ entries
EACH time I want to do a comparison!) H3675 here is a cell that contains a
date, AL3675 is cell #3675 in column AL that contains a value (like the 1.20,
1.10 etc above); <= is my "less than or equal here" that I'd like to change
to be a cell value in, say Cell AL1 where I put the <=; $A$3 is my value that
I use (the 1.50 used in the above example-I can do this!); the "LE" is less
than or equal etc. (I'll probably need an LE, LT, EQ, GE, GT).
Any ideas on approaching would be appreciated as the Excel FIND doesn't do
value comparisons and I'd like to make my comparisons variable by COLUMN (AL
etc), OPERATION (LE, LT etc.) and VALUE (1.50 etc.).