individual_merge_letters.htm no longer working for me



I am using Microsoft Word 2003. I have used the Individual Merge LEtters
Macro with success, but recently it has not been working for me (the choice
to create individual letters doesn't come up). I tried redownloading and
replacing the macro, but to no success. Any suggestions?

C. Cunningham

Hi Kathy,

I use Word 2002, so I don't know if the core issue is the same, but I've
found the same problem (of the choice to merge to individual documents just
not coming up), when I'm using an Excel spreadsheet as the data source, and
then checking or unchecking the recipients to narrow down my list. When I
use the filters instead to narrow down the list, but keep all recipients
checked, the individual merge option always appears.

Hope this helps,


Hmmm... maybe that's the issue as I am only selecting a few of the
individuals on the sheet. Wonder if there's a fix for this?

C. Cunningham

My "fix" has just been to use some sort of criteria in the spreadsheet to
filter on... i.e. entering "Need to merge" or "Send Letter" or some other
consistent method by which you mark in your Excel spread who to merge to at
that particular time. Then, when you open your word merge, use the filters in
the Edit Recipients dialog box to narrow down your list based on that
criteria. By doing it this way, all the checkboxes remain checked and the
merge to individual documents works, but you still only get letters for those
that you want. After the merge has completed, go back into the spread and
change the "Need to merge" or "Send Letter" criteria to "Done" or something
like that so that they don't come up in your next merge batch.

~ Cara

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