Individuals in Team Members don't reflect Global permissions set



1. I 'applied' and 'saved' the default permissions for the Team Member Group
[Server Settings-Manage Groups (Security)-Team Members (Add or Edit
Group)-Global Permissions-Set permissions with Template-Apply-Save].
2. When I then looked at an individual Team member [Server Settings-Manage
Users (Security)-select user], I expected to see these default Global
Permissions which I had applied and saved (from step #1), but none of the
'Allow' or 'Deny' Global Permissions appeared.
Anyone have an explanation for this anomalous behaviour and how to resolve it?

Gary L. Chefetz


Setting the global permissions in the Team Members group doesn't change the
global permissions assigned directly to it members user accounts. These are
two separate containers. Resources can belong to more than one group, so
imagine how much conflict it would cause if each group wanted control of
that one set of options. If you are using best practice to manage Users,
Groups and Categories you are assigning Users to Groups and Categories to
Groups. Users inherit the cumulative permissions of all of the groups to
which they belong, and you should understand the precedence of allow, not
allowed, and denied to work with this matrix. It would be an extremely rare
exception management occasion where you would even consider setting a
permission directly on a User account, as this adds management overhead.
I've spent the last 8 years implementing versions of this applicaiton and
I've never once gone there.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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