Recently documents based on one of our regularly-used Word templates have
been beset by the styles changing to Char Char. The affected documents seem
to originate from one user's computer. For example, on Friday I worked on a
document where all our usual styles were correctly applied. He then made
some minor changes and returned the document to me. When a paragraph is
selected almost anywhere in that document, the style box on the toolbar and
the selected style in the formatting pane show Char Char. In this 70 page
document, the only place where the original styles are still listed seems to
be the header, footer and TOC. The attributes of this Char Char style are
Normal + Font: (Default) Verdana, 10pt, Line spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space
After: 8pt. The attributes of our Normal style are: Font: (Default) Arial,
11pt, English (U.S.), Left, Line spacing; single, Space After: 6pt,
Widow/Orphan control. The paragraphs that are listed as Char Char still look
as they should stylewise -- Heading 1's, bullets, etc. look as they should
and there is no sign of Verdana in the document. I tried using the Find and
Replace function to root out the style. I tried searching for style Char
Char (which was listed in Style dropdown) but Word says "search item not
When I first encountered one of the affected documents last week, I tried to
overcome it by pasting all content into a new document based on template
using paste special as unformatted text but the Char Char still infested the
new document. I think it may have come over with a graphic.
I've googled the MS Word newsgroups to see if anyone has a solution for this
issue but thus far I've found none. In our case, we are seeing all the
styles being replaced by Char Char rather than the more frequent problem of
having Char appended to Style names. Any suggestions on how to remove the
Char Char from documents and how to stop it occuring in the future?
We are using Office 2003 on Windows XP.
been beset by the styles changing to Char Char. The affected documents seem
to originate from one user's computer. For example, on Friday I worked on a
document where all our usual styles were correctly applied. He then made
some minor changes and returned the document to me. When a paragraph is
selected almost anywhere in that document, the style box on the toolbar and
the selected style in the formatting pane show Char Char. In this 70 page
document, the only place where the original styles are still listed seems to
be the header, footer and TOC. The attributes of this Char Char style are
Normal + Font: (Default) Verdana, 10pt, Line spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space
After: 8pt. The attributes of our Normal style are: Font: (Default) Arial,
11pt, English (U.S.), Left, Line spacing; single, Space After: 6pt,
Widow/Orphan control. The paragraphs that are listed as Char Char still look
as they should stylewise -- Heading 1's, bullets, etc. look as they should
and there is no sign of Verdana in the document. I tried using the Find and
Replace function to root out the style. I tried searching for style Char
Char (which was listed in Style dropdown) but Word says "search item not
When I first encountered one of the affected documents last week, I tried to
overcome it by pasting all content into a new document based on template
using paste special as unformatted text but the Char Char still infested the
new document. I think it may have come over with a graphic.
I've googled the MS Word newsgroups to see if anyone has a solution for this
issue but thus far I've found none. In our case, we are seeing all the
styles being replaced by Char Char rather than the more frequent problem of
having Char appended to Style names. Any suggestions on how to remove the
Char Char from documents and how to stop it occuring in the future?
We are using Office 2003 on Windows XP.