Info path and Access memo fields



I have an existing Access Database that I would like to use an Infopath form
to submit data. The problem I have run into is that the database has 2 memo
fields. Apparently Infopath doesn't support submitting to memo fields. I was
going to convert the fields to text but the 255 character limit is to small.
Does anyone have any idea how get around this problem.

Thanks SteveO


Since no one else has written, I will chime in. I have the same issue. I have
found that InfoPath has no problem with rtf and >255 fields, nor does Access.
The problem is with the Jet ODBC thingy that exchanges the data between
applications. I suspect that if one were to use SQL server, the problem could
be gotten around. I don't know for sure, and I am hoping someone happens by
who knows the answer and enlightens us both.



I write here with a simpler problem> i have designed a form in infopath and
want to submit the data in it to an access database on my computer. in the
infopath>tools>submit I can either choose a script or http... but I CANNOT
browse to find the access database.

pls advise!

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