Infopath 2003 Tab Order



I am having a funny problem with tab order in a form. AT the top of the form
is a drop down list box where the user picks a emp no. Then they tab and it
goes to the first field in a repeating table, where the trouble begins.

The first field in the repeating table is Destination, they type something
in, then tab and it goes to the Date field. They then type or pick a date
from the calendar control, tab and it goes to the Purpose field. The Purpose
field is a drop down list box with the values entered manually. It also
contains code in the OnAfterChange event which runs a query of a SQL table to
populate the next field, Category, based on the Purpose chosen. When they
tab from the Purpose field, the cursor goes back to Destination.

They then tab tab tab (destination, date, purpose) to the Category field,
another drop down list box which was populated as described above. When they
select a category and tab, the cursor goes back to the Destination field
again. They then tab tab tab tab (destination date, purpose, category) to go
to the Amount field. After that the remaining fields tab correctly.

I have all tab indexes set to 0, although at one point I did try to number
them and it didn't correct the problem. And there are other fields, further
down, which are made read only or disabled with conditioning formatting based
on the purpose chosen so I wasn't sure how numbering them would affect these

Has anyone ever run into something like this? The problem occurs at the two
drop down list boxes (Purpose and Category).

Any ideas would be appreciated. thanks!Mary

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