InfoPath 2007 - submitting to a web service



Hi there.

I need help - I keep getting an error "Some rules were not applied. Form
submission failed because of validation errors - error locations are marked
with a red asterisk or outlined in red dotted line" when I try to submit my
form to the web service. I have checked and rechecked, but this happens even
when I strip out all my validation code (that I can find, anyway) - and I
can't find any controls that are marked in red (either asterisk or dotted
line). This is an Add form, that is supposed to allow submission of a new
record to the database via a web service.

Within the same xsn file, I have an almost identical Update form (with the
same validation rules, as far as I can make out) that successfully submits to
the web service, and the updated record shows up in the database with all
changes applied in the form.

The only difference is in the web service method that's called - one calls
Add, the other calls Update.

I have never used InfoPath 2007 before (or 2003, for that matter). I am
under a very tight deadline, and need to get this issue resolved right away.
Please help!

I almost forgot to mention - I had to force a published form into design
mode to be able to make any changes at all (no source xsn file available).

- Radi


Thank you, Zhang. I eventually found the issue - I just had to refresh the
web service method signature, and that solved my problem.

- Radi

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