Can InfoPath load multiple infoPath document dynamically. and manipulate
the document became another infoPath output where is summary of every
infoPath document that been save.
Let said I got an InfoPath for sales. and every sales are save in
individual xml file. How can we read all the individual xml file and come
out with a daily or montly summary sales.
How or it's posible to build in a search inside infopath document for
searching purpose?
Thanks in advance,
With regards,
Can InfoPath load multiple infoPath document dynamically. and manipulate
the document became another infoPath output where is summary of every
infoPath document that been save.
Let said I got an InfoPath for sales. and every sales are save in
individual xml file. How can we read all the individual xml file and come
out with a daily or montly summary sales.
How or it's posible to build in a search inside infopath document for
searching purpose?
Thanks in advance,
With regards,