Infopath error on some systems - no tall



Been stuck on this one for a few days now.. getting desperate.

I have an infopath form that does quite a few things. One of which is
query a web service that returns group membership from active
directory. Within the web.config file I have set the web service to
run under an account that local admin rights on the server, as well as
permission to query AD. There is another web service that return
information from SQL.

When certain users attempt to access the infopath form (from either IE
or directly through infopath 2003) they get the error message
"infopath cannot create a new blank form"

The details state "the following dataobject either cannot be created
or cannot be initialized : getallSADLApps."

GetAllSADLApps is the web service that pulls data from SQL. I have
verified it is working, and works for myself as well as most users.

Here are the details:

1. Not all users are experiencing this problem. Most have no problems.
Those users experiencing the problem have Office 2003 SP2 installed.
If I have them remote desktop into my test system and use their
account, they are able to create and submit the form.

This leads me to believe it is not a permission issue, but rather a
configuration issue either with IE or Office.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Besides having Office 2003 SP2 installed, are these other users in the same
"group" as the users who do not have issues? Do you know whether there are
any group policies defined?

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