Infopath Form Services and web service call



I created a web-enabled form in InfoPath 2007. The secondary data connections
are making calls to a web service which inserts, retrievs, and deletes data
from SQL database. I published it to Infopath Form Services on SharePoint
2007 and it worked perfectly.
About a month later I went back to check on it and it doesn't work properly.
Form loads, when button is clicked (makes call to web service and inserts
data into database), small box shows up "Sending data to the server..." and
this is where it gets stuck. No error messages. In fact I believe it doesn't
even get to the web service. I checked database, Nothing is inserted.
The only change that happened between now and then was an update of WSS SP1
and MOSS SP1 on the SharePoint.

I opened this form in InfoPath 2007 Client, and it works just fine. Makes
all the web service calls successfuly. When I publish it out to InfoPath Form
Services and try to run it. Once again it gets stuck at a place where it
should make a call to a web service.
Anyone has experienced this? Please help.

Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]

Hi Dmitriy,
Is the Web Service on the same machine as the SQL DB? Is it using a proxy?
Are you using a UDC file? Can you put that in your reply?

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