infopath forms problem



Hi. I have a problem about infopath forms.

I have to make a little online ordering application. My boss asked me to use
sharePoint, and the form for order to make it in infoPath. I have in my data
base, 2 tables: one with the names of sort of products, and one with the name
of products.

I made tree attempts to do the order form:

1. a dropdownbox, with the products kind, and according to what the user
will select from the dropdownbox, a table with the products of the same kind.
I can't make a query according to the products kind selected in the infoPath
form. And i cand't select rows from a from a table in infopath

2.repeating table - in witch i put all the product, but i can't select a row
from that table.

3. i have 3 listBox - one with productID, another with ProductNAME, and the
last with Product Prize. I binded the tree lists with the value properties-
the same value to the tree lists (If i select a productID, the selected row
in the second and the third, will be the corespunding name and prize, for
that id.

When I select one product i want to put its name, prize, id in 3 text boxes.
The problem is that i can bind the textbox with the lists only with the value
of the list, not with the printed text of the list. So i can't put in the
textboxes the 3 values - name, id, prize. i can put only one of them, witch
is the value assigned to the tree listboxes

Can you help me? Any idea?


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